My adventure to achieve a healthy weight!

Archive for March, 2011

Tofu Salad Wraps

Super easy, Super yummy!!

(Could also be done with chicken if you so please)

Sauce for tofu: Sesame oil, 50% less salt Soya Sauce, ground cayenne pepper, garlic salt, sesame seeds.

Slice firm tofu, marinate in sauce for about half an hour. Place tofu on foil-lined cookie sheet, pour sauce over top. Bake at 400 F for about 20 minutes until browned.

Dressing: Honey mustard, a bit of orange juice, mustard seeds, mustard powder, a bit each of Mrs Dash Extra Spicy, garlic salt and ground pepper. Thin out to a good consistency with vegetable oil, add a touch of balsamic vinegar.

Slice up whatever veggies you like (I used cucumber and red bell pepper), and pull off lettuce leaves from the head to wrap them in.

Wrap up everything, tofu and veggies, in lettuce leaves. Drizzle with honey mustard dressing.

None of this was exact, I just kind of made it taste good. Those are the ingredients I used. Play with it, have fun, ENJOY!

Days till Birthday: 30


A little unimpressed with myself at the moment. I’m trying to remind myself that it’s okay to have an off day every now and then, that I don’t have to be perfect every single day. Trying to remember that I’m still losing weight overall.

I ate dinner around 6:30 pm today… and then I stepped on the scale fully dressed right after eating. The number…not so pretty. 190.0 pounds……

Ugh. It was right after a meal that was bigger than it should have been. It was wearing jeans and a sweater. But I feel like that’s no excuse. I feel like a fat pig. I shouldn’t have eaten so much…. I cooked dinner for the first time in a long while tonight. I was proud of myself, I was enjoying it. One problem was that we were kind of just sitting around the counter with the food platter in front of us, not taking a portion and going to sit elsewhere. When the food is in front of me I have trouble stopping. I’ll need to keep this in mind in the future…. Take a portion and don’t take any more afterward.

I was 180.5 lbs this morning, which I was feeling really good about. I hope I haven’t ruined it…. I mean, logically, there is no way I would actually gain 9 and a half pounds in a day. I know it’s because of my clothes and the food sitting fresh in my stomach. But I still feel…the guilt, you know?

ah well. Before bed I’ll weigh myself nekkid and see what I ACTUALLY weight. And hopefully the number will not be so…horrifying and hopefully I will feel better.

This morning I was thinking, I am well on my way to meeting my goal (being consistently below 180lbs by my birthday, hence the countdown) Now I’m second guessing that because of how yucky I feel from over eating… but it’s too late. I just have to deal with the fact that I did it and see what I weight later.

Breakfast: half a banana, glass of juice, toast with cinnamon and sugar. Snack: pack of 100 calorie cookies Lunch: Leftover pasta, Half an orange, some grapes. Snack: Chocolate cupcake we made at work, couldn’t resist after decorating so many of them. Snack: leftover noodles, two squares of dark chocolate (should have skipped on that, was too close to dinner) Dinner: Salad wraps, tofu, samosas, mini quiches, broccoli bites (too many of all of those MUST PORTION BETTER NEXT TIME)

I think I ate not TOO awfully today. Looking back at it, I’m like….the snacks were not healthy. Next time I’ll pack no cookies in my purse for work. I thought I would be okay, I didn’t know about making cupcakes, I should have had better self control. But It’s okay. I’ll forgive myself after I exercise hard tomorrow. It was also a rest day on the Biggest Loser game today… I did go for a couple walks though. Overall I think it’s okay. I’ll just have to let the anxiety go and remember that James thinks I’m beautiful and work on reminding myself of that.

Days till Birthday: 31

Didn’t do so well with my eating today. Was over at James’s (aka boyfriend, aka most important person in Em’s life, she’d go insane without him) house, and he has the WORST eating habits imaginable. Pretty much he eats pizza and pasta and popcorn. Carbs. Blahhhh. So yeah, that’s what I ate today.

Before workout: Half a banana and juice. Breakfast: other half of banana, bowl of cereal (mmmm kashi) 11am snack: a few almonds Lunch: yummy salad with honey mustard dressing, too much pasta 😦 4 pm snack: too much popcorn with m&ms. must break this habit of eating badly at James’ house. Dinner: veggie burger (I’m vegetarian), salad with minimal dressing, asparagus.

I feel full, a feeling I haven’t had in over a week since I started trying to eat smaller portions. It’s not pleasant anymore. I used to enjoy that feeling… it used to be a comfort, a pleasure. Now it makes me feel fat.

Workout this morning was fantastic though!! 450 calories wiped outta my system. I started doing the biggest loser game for wii last week. It’s brutal.

It started off with a “challenge” where I had to push myself through a series of exercises as hard and as long as I could. It started with light, then moderate, hard, challenging, and intense. I made it partway through the “challenging” level before it stopped me because I was like linguini.

So now I am working out 4 times a week for 50 minutes on the “hard” level. By the end of it I am sweating hard, yelling at the digital trainers and wishing I had never started doing this. But afterward, when I step on the scale, NOTHING HAS EVER FELT BETTER. It is so amazing.

My current weight is: 182.5 pounds……………….


Even after eating too much tonight I STILL lost weight today.

It really works. To all those girls out there who are trying to lose weight, don’t waste your time with fad/crash diets. Eat HEALTHY. Exercise. IT WORKS.

Hello world!

Here I am!!


Days till Birthday: 32

At 10:00pm my weight was 185.5lbs. (In clothes, I might add.)

When I first started, I didn’t think I would be able to share this on a blog. I was just writing a journal, but I’m beginning to think support beyond my boyfriend is a good idea. So, hello outside world, your input is welcome 🙂

From my journal: “I’m doing this for me. Not for anyone else. This is for myself, my health, my well-being, my future. Me.”

That was a week ago. I haven’t lost any weight yet, but I’ve started exercising regularly and eating better. It’ll take time.

Good night to all, I will try to share tips and tricks, just not right now because I am tired.